
Luminous Privacy Policy

Luminous is committed to upholding the highest standards of privacy protection for our valued customers. This policy delineates our steadfast dedication to responsibly managing your Personal Information.

Definition and Purpose of Personal Information Collection

Personal Information encompasses data or opinions that distinctly identify an individual, including but not limited to names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. We acquire Personal Information through various channels such as interviews, correspondence, our website www.luminous.com, and other publicly accessible sources. This information is utilized to deliver our services, furnish pertinent information to our clientele, and facilitate marketing endeavors. Rest assured, you retain the option to opt-out of our marketing communications at your discretion.

Handling of Sensitive Information

Sensitive information, as defined by the Privacy Act, encompasses details regarding an individual’s racial or ethnic background, political affiliations, religious beliefs, and health-related data. We handle sensitive information judiciously, only utilizing it for the purpose for which it was acquired, with your explicit consent, or as mandated by law.

Involvement of Third Parties

While our primary aim is to gather Personal Information directly from you, there may be occasions where we receive such information from third-party sources. In such instances, we will apprise you accordingly and take necessary measures to ensure your awareness.

Disclosure Protocols for Personal Information

Your Personal Information may be disclosed to third parties with your explicit consent or as necessitated by legal mandates.

Ensuring the Security of Personal Information

We maintain stringent measures to securely store your Personal Information, mitigating risks of misuse, loss, unauthorized access, or disclosure. Upon cessation of necessity, said information will be securely obliterated or de-identified.

Access and Management of Personal Information

You possess the prerogative to access and update your Personal Information, subject to certain exceptions. Identification may be requisite to facilitate your request.

Safeguarding the Accuracy and Completeness of Personal Information

We are committed to preserving the accuracy, completeness, and currency of your Personal Information. Should you encounter any inaccuracies, kindly apprise us, and we shall expeditiously rectify them.

Policy Amendments

This Privacy Policy may undergo periodic updates, with the latest iteration readily available on our website.

Addressing Privacy Policy Concerns and Queries

Should you harbor any queries or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, we encourage you to reach out to us at: [email protected]

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